Coronavirus, now more commonly referred to as COVID-19, or COVID for short, has swept the nation. For those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction or still currently in active addiction, new problems emerge from this threat. It is well known by those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction that keeping active and connected to support groups is fundamental to staying sober. So what can be done during this time? Information for People Actively Addicted to Drugs and/or Alcohol For those … [Read more...] about Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
drug rehab
Helping Children to Understand Addiction & Withdrawal
Helping children to understand addiction and withdrawal will enable them to see that addiction and withdrawal are essentially two sides of the same coin, and help them say no to drugs. People addicted to drugs will tend to use more, and suffer withdrawal symptoms when the dose of the drug is reduced. If you are suffering from withdrawal, then it means that you are addicted. People talk about physical and psychological addiction to drugs as if they were different things. If we have a … [Read more...] about Helping Children to Understand Addiction & Withdrawal
Non Narcotic Pain Relief: Drug Addict Help
Drug manufacturers have for many years promoted opioid analgesics for pain relief. Although the term narcotics, in general use refers to drugs of various types, the term narcotics can also be used to refer only to those drugs of an opiate nature, that induce “narcosis” – a sleepy torpor, a comatose state. The social cost of our over reliance upon opioid narcotics for just about every pain that we have, has been illicit addiction, ruined lives, and the despair of chronic drug dependence. Now, … [Read more...] about Non Narcotic Pain Relief: Drug Addict Help
Kratom – Drug Addict Help
Kratom, ( Mitragyna speciosa Korth), also known as Kakuam originates from Thailand, where it has been illegal to cultivate the Kratom tree since 1943 due to the leaves having narcotic properties similar to opium. Being an indigenous plant of Thailand, Kratom leaves continue to be used by locals in cooking, as a medication, and as an opium substitute. Addiction is said to be easy with many people having used the leaf all their lives. It helps people to endure arduous manual work, and studies … [Read more...] about Kratom – Drug Addict Help
Importing Drugs from Canada
Is importing drugs from Canada legal? There are today many US citizens who obtain drugs by purchasing them from a Canadian source. Although prohibitions apply to people attempting to import and use or deal illicitly with street or prescription drugs, there are circumstances in which it is lawful for US citizens to purchase Canadian drugs. Americans have for many years purchased medicinal drugs from Canada, either by mail order or by going into Canada and ordering direct. There has always been … [Read more...] about Importing Drugs from Canada
Addiction to Paracetamol – Drug Addict Help
Controversy continues as to whether or not it is possible to have an addiction to paracetamol, a non-narcotic pain relief drug, also known as acetaminophen. Whilst a commonly used and effective pain reliever for everyday aches and pains, paracetamol is known to cause liver toxicity in high or prolonged doses. However, doubt still remains as to whether or not paracetamol is addictive. Paracetamol (an aniline analgesic) and NSAID’s (non steroid anti inflammatory drugs) are considered to be safer … [Read more...] about Addiction to Paracetamol – Drug Addict Help
Ohio Fights Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription drug abuse in Ohio causes more deaths than suicide or driving accidents. For an outlay of $8.9m the State will qualify for a Federal grant to total $36m to be used to help treat people suffering from mental illness and drug addiction, and hopefully get them into employment. The funding has been applied for against a rise in deaths from drug overdose during recent years, deaths ascribed to an increased availability and use of prescription drugs. Ohio’s current prescription drug … [Read more...] about Ohio Fights Prescription Drug Abuse
Opal Fuel Reduces Huffing: Drug Addict Help
Opal fuel reduces huffing in communities where it is available. Huffing or sniffing of toxic chemicals such as petroleum has been reduced by up to 70% in some remote Australian communities where teens and young children have previously been in the habit of sniffing petrol to get high. Children as young as 6 continue to be in need of drug addict help for substance abuse in the form of sniffing a variety of inhalants. Many become hospitalised due to hypoxia, or lack of oxygen and some suffer … [Read more...] about Opal Fuel Reduces Huffing: Drug Addict Help
Music & Dopamine High – Drug Addict Help
Research from the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, and McGill University now proves that music that we find pleasurable releases a dopamine high. Dopamine is the biochemical involved in feelings of intense euphoria and happiness. Dr Robert Zatorre of McGill University says that this is the first time that an “abstract” event has been scientifically proven to elicit the dopamine high. Teens and young people are unlikely to want to use recreational drugs and be in need of drug … [Read more...] about Music & Dopamine High – Drug Addict Help
Drug Addict Help: Pregnancy
Using drugs during pregnancy puts at risk the unborn child. Many drugs cross the placenta barrier that normally protects the child from toxins and infections present in the mother. All illicit, prescription and OTC drugs have a risk of potential damage – there is no “safe” dose because drug effects on the developing child can be unpredictable. Cocaine is known to cause changes in the structure of the brain, cocaine remains in the fetus for longer than in an adult. Marijuana increases carbon … [Read more...] about Drug Addict Help: Pregnancy
Eight Step Drug Policies: Effective Drug Addict Help
The world has a problem when people use and demand addictive drugs. Places such as Ontario suffer from prescription drug abuse, and many other drugs. Canada is a leader in comprehensive, drug free addiction recovery methods that anyone can access. People from Ontario, Canada and throughout the world need to consider their best option when in search of true drug addict help. The National Coalition for Effective Drug Policies, Washington DC has come up with an eight step program to rid the … [Read more...] about Eight Step Drug Policies: Effective Drug Addict Help
Drug Addict Help – Family Members and Support
When seeking a drug rehab center, you will find many places that offer to family members support for their problem of having a drug addict in their family. The inference is that family structure is both sound and supportive, that the family member who uses drugs is the one out of step, out of order. In some cases, a family member has issues of his own, that lead him into drug addiction, which do not concern or relate to his family. However, it has often been found that the negative attitudes … [Read more...] about Drug Addict Help – Family Members and Support
Coping with Cravings – Drug Addict Help
Coping with cravings for drugs of addiction is something that drug addicts assume will be part of their life forever, if they decide to get drug addict help, and give up using drugs. Many programs that provide drug addict help to overcome addiction fail to fully understand the nature and process of addiction or what is required to achieve full drug addiction recovery. Just as addiction to drugs started, so it can be ended. Drug addiction is a biophysical process that can be recovered from … [Read more...] about Coping with Cravings – Drug Addict Help
Addict Help: Better Communication Skills.
Better communication skills are an essential part of true addiction recovery when providing addict help for drug rehabilitation. Barriers to communication emerge and exist between people when drugs are involved. Barriers to communication need to be overcome to give addicts help to re-establish good relationships. Enabling people to develop and put into practice better communication skills allows people to sort out their lives, and brings emotional healing. Methods and process that gives … [Read more...] about Addict Help: Better Communication Skills.
OxyContin Side Effects: Addiction Help
Oxycontin side effects are said to be the possibility of headaches, nausea, dry mouth, sweating, vomiting or drowsiness, constipation, perhaps a bit uncomfortable, but nothing really life threatening. No one tells you that you might need addict help for Oxycontin addiction. Oxycontin users are often not informed about more severe side effects such as slow heart beat, shallow breathing,, tremors and seizures, hallucinations or swelling of throat and tongue, for which you should seek medical … [Read more...] about OxyContin Side Effects: Addiction Help
When the World is Not Enough – Addict Help
Fortune, fame, riches, applause – if you think these would be enough to ensure happiness and contentment, then you would be wrong. For all the benefits of glory, and material wealth, what do people do when the world is not enough. The sad fact is that many who have, acquire or achieve positions of fortune and fame, are deeply unhappy inside themselves, turn to drugs and need addict help. Many of us born to a normal mediocrity, in which we don’t have all that we want, but at least have all … [Read more...] about When the World is Not Enough – Addict Help
Crack House?! Not In Our Neighborhood! : Addict Help
A crack house can be likened to an ashtray in the community, a dark and poisonous place, where is collected all the toxic waste that is a side effect of people engaging in harmful, non productive drug use. People caught up in drug use, a crack house the focus of their existence, are regarded by society very much like the refuse that they create. Drug addicts might be in need of addict help – but we want them to move on, and out of our neighborhood, to a place where we can’t see them or need to … [Read more...] about Crack House?! Not In Our Neighborhood! : Addict Help
Children with Traumatic Experiences
Children with a traumatic experience very often need assistance to help them overcome it. Specialists in trauma recovery define traumatic experience to be something physical – such as being in a car accident, nearly drowned, or lost, alone in the woods. People can readily relate to the experience of children who have lost parents or siblings due to natural disasters, such as cyclones, hurricanes, fires or floods. Trauma to kids has to be something that you can see. Following Cyclone Yasi, in … [Read more...] about Children with Traumatic Experiences
Addict Help: Being and Saying Sorry
Being and saying sorry can be a difficult thing to do, particularly where issues of alcohol, drugs and substance abuse is involved.There is often a lot of pain around the problem of addiction – arguments, stress, wounded feelings and emotional tension. People who have run off on their problems, turned to drug use instead, can often need addict help to restore broken relationships, and to create better relationships in the future. If an addict has hurt someone, then they should be encouraged … [Read more...] about Addict Help: Being and Saying Sorry
Getting to Yes Part II – Being Positive
Being positive about the prospect of a successful addiction recovery starts with a decision to use a comprehensive addiction recovery facility. A comprehensive alcohol and drug addiction recovery center provides ample scope for anyone to get addict help – knowing that they will be supported, every step of the way. However, best results will be obtained if you do your best, no matter what, and keep on being positive. An addiction recovery program without the addict is like the sound of one hand … [Read more...] about Getting to Yes Part II – Being Positive
Getting to Yes: Full Addiction Recovery
Getting to yes in addiction recovery means to be able to say – yes, I once was an addict, but I am an addict no more. Getting to yes is all important for addiction recovery – the glorious day you are able to say – yes, I have recovered from my addiction. When locked in the cycle of addiction many addicts dream that they might become free of addiction – one day. Addict help for full addiction recovery means taking a positive step, accepting that for full recovery you are going to need addict … [Read more...] about Getting to Yes: Full Addiction Recovery
Addict Help: Addiction Triggers and Addiction Recovery
The compulsive nature of addiction triggers needs to be understood if addict help is to be effective and bring about addiction recovery. When people have an addiction, and feel the need to use, it is in response to a call from the body and mind, expressed as feelings of pain and tension – in search of relief and release. The pain and the tension that the addict feels are not addiction triggers, the pain and the tension are merely symptoms of whatever it is that is pushing the addict’s … [Read more...] about Addict Help: Addiction Triggers and Addiction Recovery
Why Do People Do Drugs?
Do we need to know why people do drugs to give them addict help. Holistic addict help, treats the person , not the symptoms. Understanding why a person has chosen to do drugs assists with enabling them to recover fully from addiction when giving addict help. Why do people do drugs has as many answers as there are people who do drugs – but the reasons why people do drugs can be put into some general categories. People do drugs to find escape – from guilt, or shame, and … [Read more...] about Why Do People Do Drugs?
Addict Help: Crystal Meth – Addiction Recovery
For crystal meth addiction recovery, getting addict help requires holistic intervention. Crystal meth makes a user feel powerful and omnipotent – and beyond the realm of conscience. Although crystal meth was introduced into the drug market several years ago, it proved unpopular with most recreational drug users as offering little by way of a “good time”. The innate aggression released by crystal meth use made users fear for their sanity- using crystal meth takes you into a world without care, … [Read more...] about Addict Help: Crystal Meth – Addiction Recovery
Panic Attacks – Symptoms and Treatment – Addict Help
People need addict help for panic attacks if they have turned to substance abuse as a treatment for the symptoms. Few people have escaped feelings of anxiety in situations that are challenging, such as make a speech at a wedding, or when awaiting a new baby. Panic attacks happen when people react with more than usual anxiety in response to life situations that most of us think of as normal. Panic attacks are related to social anxiety, social phobias and are based on fear. Addict help is … [Read more...] about Panic Attacks – Symptoms and Treatment – Addict Help
Help for Oxycontin Addiction: Holistic Help or Heroin?
Getting help for Oxycontin addictionmeans getting holistic addict help, not using heroin as a cure for symptoms of pain and withdrawal. Following a 2007 settlement in which Purdue Pharma settled criminal and civil charges of misleading the public as to the addictive properties of Oxycontin, with the payment of a fine of $634.5 million, Oxycontin is still on the market. In early 2010, the packaging of Oxycontin was changed in an attempt to make this “slow release” pain relief drug actually … [Read more...] about Help for Oxycontin Addiction: Holistic Help or Heroin?
Cocaine Addiction: New Vaccine a Toxic Cocktail
Cocaine addiction might soon be treated with a new vaccine, a toxic cocktail of flu virus and coke that can teach the body to fight off cocaine before it reaches the brain. The very latest in research to provide addict help for people to beat addiction to cocaine. Research experiments from Weill Cornell University use immunity provoking extracts from adenoviruses attached to a chemical similar to cocaine as a potential vaccine against the effects of cocaine use in the body. The vaccine … [Read more...] about Cocaine Addiction: New Vaccine a Toxic Cocktail
Addict Help: Living with Uncertainty
Nothing is more depressing than living with uncertainty about important issues in life. An inability to tolerate feelings of anxiety, fear and depression arising from uncertainty about the future very often makes people opt for an instant solution, bring about a speedy resolution. Whether the outcome chosen is the best option in the longer term is not the main issue – immediate freedom from stress, and the painful emotions that it brings, is seen as the priority. Using drugs to alleviate stress … [Read more...] about Addict Help: Living with Uncertainty
Competition and Children – Doing Our Best
We need to challenge the notion that competition and children is a good thing and to ensure that we are doing our best to help children develop intellectually, and socially in ways that bring out their best potential. When children drop out, do drugs and are in need of addict help it is often from a perception of “failure” to meet or comply with standards and norms that are essentially competitive. Concerns today that many children are falling between the cracks in our education system and … [Read more...] about Competition and Children – Doing Our Best
Hazardous Waste – Speed Labs and Cocaine
Hazardous wasteproducts from speed labs and illicit drug manufacture, such as cocaine production are extremely toxic. A call for more addict help should go out to governments, on behalf of the world environment. The public is made very aware of the toxic ingredients that make up the final content of illicitly manufactured street drugs such as crack, speed, GBH and crystal meth. Drug cartels manufacture vast quantities of drugs such as cocaine. They have neither capacity nor intention to … [Read more...] about Hazardous Waste – Speed Labs and Cocaine
Addict Help: Teen Depression – Substance Abuse
Teen depression can lead to substance abuse as means of finding relief. Although there is a correspondence as between teen depression and teen suicide, not all teens who feel depressed will necessarily see suicide as a solution to the issues that are making them feel depressed. People feel depressed quite simply when they have expectations and beliefs about how things should be in their world, together with a reality which does not match up to this “ideal” image. When adults get depressed, … [Read more...] about Addict Help: Teen Depression – Substance Abuse
Addict Help – New Year’s Resolutions
Make it top of your New Year’s resolutions to get addict help for problems of drug and alcohol abuse. The Christmas and New Year holiday season is an excellent time to sit back, take a break and think about changes and improvements that we can make in our life for the coming year. The festive season is a time for giving and receiving gifts, showing our appreciation for the love and support we receive from family and friends, and to celebrate. Sometimes we find that the festive season is … [Read more...] about Addict Help – New Year’s Resolutions
Anger and Substance Abuse.
Anger and substance abuse are behaviors that we use when under excessive pressure and tension. It is OK to look at and enjoy aggression on the news, in videos, and interactive war games. We can buy tickets to boxing matches and rough spectator sports. In some ways these interactions help us discharge angry feelings that we have about life in general. However, if we try to discharge our angry feelings more directly, we will find ourselves locked up. Society encourages competition and aggression … [Read more...] about Anger and Substance Abuse.
The Family & Teen Drug Abuse
If a family has got it right, and there is mutual respect and harmony between parents, and their children, and between the children in a family – it is very unlikely to be found that the parents do drugs or that teens will turn to drug abuse, in preference to their families. It is thought that the teenage years are naturally a time of intense emotions and rebellion. In fact, the negative acting out is directly caused by dysfunction in the family. The idea of a teenager having a compulsive need … [Read more...] about The Family & Teen Drug Abuse
Addict Help – Depression and Addiction
Addicts need addict help when addiction to substances is used to counteract depression. Often addicts fail to realize that they have depression. People often think that depression is when we feel sad and unhappy about some life event. People who cry and feel sad in fact are actually in the process of relieving their emotions about a sad event. This process of grieving or mourning, feeling a sense of loss, is perfectly natural and healthy – expressing our grief and our pain enables us to relax … [Read more...] about Addict Help – Depression and Addiction
Addiction and Anti Social Behavior.
Addiction is regarded as a problem behavior, with addiction to drugs and alcohol seen as having strong associations with antisocial behavior. All addiction is antisocial in that it diverts our attention from positive relationships with others in society, towards our substance of choice. All addicts need addict help. Addicts who use food, or buy consumer goods to feed their addiction are not seen as being antisocial, merely people with a problem. Gaming addiction is not regarded as being anti … [Read more...] about Addiction and Anti Social Behavior.
Addict help – The Emptiness of Drug Use
Getting addict help for drug use brings people into confrontation with feelings of “emptiness”. There is the emptiness and feeling that something is lacking in life that leads to drug use in the first place. There is also a confrontation for the addict that drug use itself is an empty way of being. Giving addicts help to overcome feelings of negativity about both self and drug use is about changing their whole way of being. Many people turn to meditation as a means to release tension and … [Read more...] about Addict help – The Emptiness of Drug Use
Combat Related Substance Abuse – Addict Help
In the USA, 11 research facilities in 11 States will receive $6.m in funding to investigate causes and solutions to the problem of combat related substance abuse, according to National Institutes of Health (NIH) News, August 2010. People with combat related substance abuse need addict help. The basis for this funding is interesting in that it suggests that combat related substance abuse is somehow different from other reasons why people choose to abuse substances, and become addicts in need of … [Read more...] about Combat Related Substance Abuse – Addict Help
Body Therapy and Addiction – Addict Help
Can body therapy provide addict help in overcoming addiction. Alternative health practitioners who use massage, acupuncture, chiropody, dance and exercise as a means of improving the health of the body often recommend body therapy as a remedy for addiction. People who suffer from any type of compulsive disorder, such as drug or alcohol addiction often find that they feel “better” as a result of body therapy. People feel better and gain relief from feelings of stress when they involve themselves … [Read more...] about Body Therapy and Addiction – Addict Help
Addict Help : Giving Up an Addiction
Addict help for addiction recovery means giving up your addiction. What exactly is involved when we give up our addictions. Many people think of addiction as a disease, something that you have for life, that cannot be given up, something that can only be managed so that you can cope with it and its symptoms. To think that addiction is a lifelong disease is certainly discouraging. Fortunately, holistic addiction recovery specialists see addiction differently. They see addiction as a symptom … [Read more...] about Addict Help : Giving Up an Addiction
Signature of Autism, Addiction – Trauma & The Brain
Autism, addiction and many other kinds of disorder are now found to be impressed in the genetic material of the brain as a unique signature that bears witness to past trauma to the brain. On 17/11/10 Yale School of Medicine has published an informative article with regard to the signature associated with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Whereas to medical science these patterns of genetic disorder appear to have random meaning, this is because they are looking at ASD as if they are caused by … [Read more...] about Signature of Autism, Addiction – Trauma & The Brain
Addict Help : Young People & Marijuana
Young people need addict help for marijuana use side effects. The McLean Hospital of Harvard University has recently released a study about the side effects of marijuana use on young people. The report states that the younger a person is when they start to use marijuana, the worse they perform on tasks that require planning, listening to instructions, and many other functions. In the study, children who have used marijuana before the age of 16 made twice as many mistakes in the tests as … [Read more...] about Addict Help : Young People & Marijuana
Addict Help: Nicotine Therapy
Can nicotine therapy provide addict help? The latest in Alzheimer’s disease treatments is nicotine therapy. Nicotine is a powerful stimulant to the brain that can increase levels of concentration and focus. It also provides a relaxation response by overriding feelings of stress and irritation. People self medicate with nicotine by smoking cigars and cigarettes – addiction to nicotine is a very hard habit to break, some say as hard as heroin. It is a comfort drug. Holding cigarettes and smoking … [Read more...] about Addict Help: Nicotine Therapy
Addict Help: When Love is Not Enough
Giving addict help to a person with an addiction can make you feel that love is not enough. The powerful hold that addiction has over a person with an addiction can make the most determined person give up and walk away from trying to give an addict help. Many people who have terminated a relationship with an addict find that despite their best intentions, they still hold feelings of anger and resentment about the situation. While a person remains in the grip of addiction it can be hard for a … [Read more...] about Addict Help: When Love is Not Enough
Addict Help: Reality Shows and Addiction
Do reality shows about addiction provide addict help. Reality shows on television have become popular as entertainment, draw large numbers of viewers and achieve high ratings. Many people follow reality shows with the same enthusiasm that they have about “real” relationships in their lives. There is no doubt that for many people, the cast of characters in their favorite tv shows have become an extension of reality. People following serial dramas await the next episode, fueled by media hype, … [Read more...] about Addict Help: Reality Shows and Addiction
Addict Help: Homeopathy & Addiction
Homeopathy can give addict help in addiction recovery by assisting the body to regularize its biochemical function after drug use. Homeopathy does not make use of drugs and sees any drug use as being harmful to the good health and functioning of our bodies. Homeopathy works by creating dilutions of various substances that create the same symptoms in the body as a toxin or disease. When the body rouses up its immune system in response to the homeopathic treatment, the body has extra capacity to … [Read more...] about Addict Help: Homeopathy & Addiction
Addict Help: Relationship with an Addict
Mutual respect is necessary in any close relationship. Neither party should feel that they are simply being used by the other person to satisfy their needs at the expense of their own. When a partner turns to drug use, although you might have feelings of love, respect often flies out of the window. If a partner becomes addicted to drugs, you feel that they don’t respect you. Very often people lose their own self respect when trying to hold on to a relationship with an addict. You can give an … [Read more...] about Addict Help: Relationship with an Addict
Caffeine – A New Gateway Drug?
Is caffeine a new gateway drug? Medical News Today has recently raised concerns about the level of caffeine to be found in some “energy” drinks, a soft drink market which targets primarily school aged children and young adults. Performance enhancing drinks are not new. The trend towards consumption of manufactured drinks intended to boost performance in sport and as a recovery aid for illness took off in the 1970’s, with products such as Lucozade and Gatorade. These products consist of flavored … [Read more...] about Caffeine – A New Gateway Drug?