Fortune, fame, riches, applause – if you think these would be enough to ensure happiness and contentment, then you would be wrong. For all the benefits of glory, and material wealth, what do people do when the world is not enough. The sad fact is that many who have, acquire or achieve positions of fortune and fame, are deeply unhappy inside themselves, turn to drugs and need addict help.
Many of us born to a normal mediocrity, in which we don’t have all that we want, but at least have all that we need, can easily become dissatisfied and find ourselves looking for something more to satisfy vague feelings of discontent. What is that elusive something that will make a glorious summer of the winter of our discontent.
For some it is in a relationship that we find the answer to our needs – happy the day when we meet and find our Prince Charming or the Lady of our Dreams. Very often relationships play second fiddle at best when a person’s innermost needs drive them along the road to success. People driven to succeed very rarely stop to think exactly why they do it – success sits before them on the road ahead, like the Holy Grail.
Achieving success is a personal goal, and often based upon unconscious motives. Whatever the pathway in life we choose – one thing is guaranteed – it’s the best way we know at that time to satisfy our innermost needs. When people appear to be in trouble, and not coping very well, it is a symptom of there being a gap between a person’s real needs, and the life that they have constructed around them. People who find that drugs will do to bridge the reality gap are in need of addict help.
Celebrities in particular suffer from public scrutiny, and much misunderstanding. Although they might appear to have the world at their feet, they have never confronted, until it’s too late, the demons that have driven them there. Such people need addict help – yet to fade into obscurity is their biggest fear.
Whenever we feel driven to engage in extreme behavior, such as drug use that is risky and damaging, we need to find out what it is in our life that is putting us into such a cornered position – and make a determined effort to sort our emotions out, before our conflicts destroy us. Some people caught up in a lifestyle that doesn’t answer to their needs would like nothing better than release from the treadmill – but people who have a dependency upon them simply won’t let them go.
In truth no one else can make us feel, or do anything at all – all that we do is what we choose, out of available options. Opening up to our emotions can be like opening up Pandora’s box. But no matter what comes out, for all of us, there remains a jewel of hope.
It is important if we reach a crisis point in our lives to get effective help. Band aids and patches on our emotional feelings are about maintaining position, not about contentment and good health. Drug rehab is never effective unless it is fully comprehensive and able to help with emotional feelings.
We can consult lists when we need to give something to someone who has “everything”. When the world is not enough and people feel empty inside – the best gift you can give is the gift of life and get them into effective drug rehab.
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