To get real cocaine addiction help, other than prescription or pharmacy medications for symptomatic relief, it needs to be understood that the primary cause of cocaine addiction is psychological – an attempt to create a “high” that the user feels he needs.
Authorities in the substance abuse field have long established that physical dependency plays only a minor role in the development of cocaine addiction and dependency.
In other words, long before the body is addictively demanding cocaine, the user is making the choice to use it. In terms of addict help, this seems to put the ball firmly in addict’s corner. There appears to be no evidence that cocaine use is genetically determined, responsibility to seek cocaine addiction help must be taken by the user.
Anyone using cocaine needs immediate support to guide him or her toward a drug-free lifestyle. It is illegal to use cocaine, and it is very expensive for the user to buy. Whereas heroin use has associations with dirty needles and unhealthy, squalid living conditions, cocaine is associated with the rich, professionals, and high profile achievers.
Government funded drug rehab centers for people addicted to either drug are notoriously unsuccessful. Both heroin and cocaine users speak in terms of a “void”, an emotional pit which is beyond words for them to describe. Once having taken a hit of their drug of choice, it would seem to “fill” this void and from then on nothing else will satisfy. The euphoric release from tension and pain achieved by taking these drugs soon becomes the focus of the addict’s existence. With little or no insight, a drug dependant individual often will not seek guidance but rather cheats people to support his or her addiction.
Cocaine addiction aid was never needed in the South American countries where cocaine originates. Workers would happily chew on a few coco leaves, and feel livened up enough to face their working day, with few if any side effects. Without cocaine addiction assistance, using cocaine in processed form, really hits the system for a six.
Addict help for cocaine addiction can include symptomatic relief for painful withdrawal symptoms but the main work and focus of addict help with cocaine abuse is in helping the addict to understand exactly why they need it. Cocaine, as a stimulant, has in the past been used to alleviate depression, although now more specific drugs have been developed. Is it not too simplistic to assume that people needing cocaine addiction treatment, despite external appearances, are in fact severely depressed people. Could cocaine use merely be a misguided attempt to self-medicate masked feelings of deep depression?
To provide effective cocaine addiction assistance a counselor might need to be listening for signs and symptoms of depression. To give an addict help, a counselor might need to help them to get in touch with blocked emotions, which can be felt simply as a “void”. Getting effective cocaine addiction help might involve calling into question your values, your lifestyle, your whole way of being, and whether it really provides you with satisfaction.
Using counselors who are in tune with and able to understand an emotional basis for drug addiction is most likely to provide to an addict guidance that they need towards recovery than if they simply undergo behavioral modification therapies and are encouraged to take continued medication. With the standard application of good drug rehabilitation methodology, a cocaine user will no longer feel in need of a “high”.
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