At some point in our lives, many of us will either know someone who is a drug addict, or know someone whose life has been affected by a drug addict.
For most of us, our response is to find a way to help the drug addict get help with their addiction, but many of us have no idea where to begin.
There are many things to consider when wanting to help a drug addict, and first is that even though we may not understand how the person could become addicted to drugs, that it is a disease and should be treated as such. For those of us who have never struggled with addiction problems, it’s easy to intellectually rationalize that the person should just “quit” the drugs and that all would be fine in their world. Unfortunately, for those struggling with any type of addiction, getting clean isn’t quite that simple.
It is important to understand that you cannot jump in and save the addict from their downward spiral. This is their struggle and ultimately it is going to take a realization from the drug addict that they want help before they can recover. Even once that realization is made, it sometimes takes several attempts before the addict is able to completely stop drugs for good.
* One of the ways you can help drug addicts is by not enabling them.
This is difficult to do, especially if it’s a family member or loved one who happens to be the addict. It’s important that you do not loan them money, or allow them an opportunity to present itself that would tempt them to possibly steal from you or another family member.
It’s also important for the drug addict to know that you love them and support them.
It’s also important for the drug addict to know that you love them but you do not accept their addiction, but that you are there for them when they are ready to get treatment. In order to help the addict, many people find that an intervention is a great way to get the addict to face their addiction and also the impact that it is having on the family, friends and other loved ones. Interventions are best held at a place where the addict feels comfortable, such as at a family member’s home. Intervention should, if possible, include a trained professional who can help the addict understand their addiction and that beating the addiction lies within checking into a rehabilitation facility for substance abuse.
In order for the intervention to be successful, it’s best to have found a reputable facility beforehand so that if the drug addict agrees to treatment, they can leave immediately without having the opportunity to connect with any of their drug addict friends who could possibly talk them out of going into treatment.
Addiction is an illness and is curable, but it takes willingness from the drug addict to admit they have a problem and to be prepared to look at not only the addiction but the reasons behind the addiction.
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