Alcohol may seem harmless but as a substance can be abused.
In addition, it can be dangerous and lead to permanent physical and mental damage as well as death. Side effects can be anything from addiction to alcohol, poisoning to liver damage to death.
Drinking during the pregnancy could severely affect your child!
There are short term and long term side effects in regards to alcohol:
* Vomiting, stumbling and incoherency, dizziness and passing out are short term side effects as are hangovers the next morning. But for someone who becomes an alcoholic or consistently drinks excessively, the long term side effects can be depression, liver damage, heart problems, circulatory issues and brain damage. A person who drinks excessively can even get diabetes.
* Many times we hear of cancers but some of these problems can be indirect results of the side effects of alcohol. Alcohol can also reduce a person’s life expectancy. Some people may not realize this but it is true. It is a tragedy to have to point out but it is the second most leading preventable way of dying, second only to tobacco.
* Sometimes there are innocent people affected by the side effects of alcohol.
If a woman is pregnant and drinks she is endangering the fetus. If he lives, then he could very well have fetal alcohol syndrome which can hinder the mental and physical growth of the child. This is not a fair situation to place a child in, and a woman who finds herself expecting should start immediately with the protective mother mode and cease drinking entirely.
Another side effect of alcohol is something that can be somewhat embarrassing. People who are drunk tend to tell the truth. So, if you have a secret, the best is not to get too indulgent when it comes to the alcohol, because your secret will not remain one for long. Your wife may ask you how she looks in that dress and you are going to wonder where the silent treatment came from the next morning. Your son may not care to play basketball in the driveway with you after the way you acted around his friends. Your brother is not speaking to you because of how you acted in front of his boss at his 50th birthday party the other night. On the other hand, if someone insists you have a lot to drink when they know you know a secret, you might be aware of that strategy as well.
* Alcohol has side effects and they can be embarrassing, physically harmful and mentally distressing.
They can make an otherwise decent person get behind the wheel of a vehicle and cause a fatal accident. Think about all of the side effects listed above and limit your alcohol intake when at a gathering or better yet * * * Just say simply no * * *
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