There are certain substances like Methadone, that are used in the recovery treatments of drug addiction but they can give controversial results.
Is good to know that this kind of treatment really helps!
That means, over some period of time patients get addicted to those substances leaving the actual drugs to which they were addicted. However, not all such substances will give negative results. Treatments involving Subutox Detox is an example for that and in this article I will explain about such substances.
“The medical term used to refer Subutox is Buprenorphine and is one of the FDA approved medicated formulations for the treatment of drug addictions such as Opioids.”
This is the first medicated substance among other Opioid partial agonist medicated substances to receive such approval. The unique and effective properties of Buprenorphine are the reasons behind the success of Subutex Detox. These substances take place the human organs with strong power that are affected by the misused drugs and thus block the external opioids from entering. They make good use of the already present substances in reducing the cravings for the drugs and so significantly help in reducing the painful withdrawal symptoms.
* What are the properties that are making the Subutex detox work efficiently in helping the people to come out from the drug addiction?
As said above this is the Opioid partial agonist medicated substance. There are three kinds of drugs when classified how they react in the presence of Opioids. The first one are the Opioid Agonists, when used, activate the already present drugs on the Neurons. Repeated usage of these drugs makes the persons more dependent and less tolerable on them. Heroin and Methadone are part of Opioid Agonists. On the contrary there are Opioid Antagonists, which completely block such substances. Naltrexone and Naloxone fall under this category.
The properties of Buprenorphine make it fall under Opioid partial agonist medicated substances which also block the drugs but not as extremely as Opioid Antagonists do. However, increasing the dosage of Opioid partial agonist medicated pills such as Subutex never make the person get addicted to this. This is the reason behind the success of Subutex Detox.
Richard Lefew says
I’m considering starting Subutox in an effort to get myself out of the addiction cycle I’ve been stuck in for a number of years. Does anyone reading this have any first hand knowledge?
I’m worried about any potential side affects. Are there any?