Delving into the mind of a drug addict can be a scary venture.
There are several reasons why addicts don’t get help but none of them are rational. Like most thoughts of a drug addict, the thought of getting help gets obscured and twisted in their minds until help is almost a bad word.
Indifference is probably the saddest instance of them all.
* Fear: Most drug addicts are aware of detoxification. For some, that is a very frightening thought. They imagine it to be something it is not. Detox is not easy, but for most addicts, it is not as bad as they assume it will be.
* Denial: The addict more than likely is in denial so feels there is nothing to get help for. Denial runs very deep and no matter how bad the addiction, some addicts will simply deny the fact they have a problem.
* Procrastination: It’s always easy to put off something we don’t want to do and the same is true for drug addicts. Even if they do realize they have a problem they tell themselves they will get help after just “one more high”.
* Indifference: As hard as it is to imagine, some addicts just don’t care. They don’t care that they are killing themselves. They don’t care that they are hurting the people who love them. They have spiraled so far down into the addiction that they really don’t care about anything anymore.
For any addict it can be one or several of the above reasons for not getting help. Many still think of Detox as being strapped to a gurney and left alone for several days to “dry out”. Detox now is so different and much more compassionate. There are tools available to help ease the discomfort of detoxification.
* Denial is a trademark trait for an addict.
They just completely deny that they have a problem or an addiction. Everyone else is wrong and they are right (to their way of thinking). Procrastination is something even non addicts are guilty of. Indifference is probably the saddest instance of them all. This is a person who just does not care anymore. These are the hardest people to reach. They feel there is nothing to feel good about anymore.
With enough help and persistence, these addicts too can be reached, but it isn’t an easy task. They have to be given a reason to care and a reason to want help.
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