Alcohol is used in many settings and for many occasions.
It can be used in a religious ceremony as it has been since centuries. It can be used in a party setting or for a special occasion such as toasting, or the bride and groom at a wedding, or even when celebrating something special that has happened in someone’s life. It can also be used to calm a person’s nerves or shake loose some inhibitions. Some people simply drink to forget.
The common reasons?
* People drink due to stress. Whether it is a job related or whatever the reason, if a person is under a lot of stress, he or she may drink just to forget their troubles for a little while. Unfortunately, the troubles are still there the next day and now the person has a hangover to deal with as well.
* Peer pressure can cause people to drink. This is especially true among teenagers and young adults in college. However, mature adults can sometimes give in to peer pressure as well, such as in a social setting or situation where co-workers or others can tease him that he can’t handle it. Sometimes mature adults are as bad as teenagers when it comes to peer pressure and an alcohol involved setting is usually one of the most prevalent of those times.
* Some people may be genetically prone to drink. If raised in a home with an alcoholic parent, a teenager is more inclined to drink and do so heavily. It has been proven that there is a genetic link in many alcoholic cases.
* Alcohol has been used for many years as a way of escapism for people. They can forget about their troubles, have a little fun, take chances they would not ordinarily take and if anyone says something about it, they can blame it on the alcohol. A woman may blame her promiscuity at the bar Friday night on the alcohol. A man may blame his belligerence with a neighbour or friend on alcohol. While alcohol does make a person behave differently, it is not the reason behind these problems. The reason is the CHOICE to consume the alcohol in such an excessive manner.
People drink alcohol for many reasons.
Whether you just want to forget your problems, get into the mood to do something fun, or simply want to just be a different person for awhile, remember that whatever happens during the time you were consuming the alcohol can come back to haunt you in your sober state of mind.
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