When someone in the family has become involved in drug use, and you want to help them. Stop. You will need to think carefully before you start to offer any kind of advice to an addict.
People, particularly young children, turn to using drugs because it fills a need in their life that is not otherwise being met. When you speak with a person in your life about their drug use, it is important not to be judgmental, to put the addict “down”, or be critical of them and their choice.
It is equally important not to cast “blame” on the addict. Putting a guilt trip on the addict about how their behavior affects you is unlikely to give addicts help to start sorting out their own conflicted feelings.
It is often the case that a child or adult will go to some trouble to hide and keep secret from family and friends the full extent of their drug use. People who suddenly find evidence of drug use will understandably be shocked if they have been under the illusion that their child or partner is not using and wouldn’t ever do drugs.
Part of the reason why people to do drugs is to open up a new environment to escape from conditions in their life that they find oppressive. Illicit drug use provides for the addict some level of excitement. For some it is the flaunting of authority, the risk of getting caught that makes using drugs and getting away with it exciting, Others fail to see or understand the risks – their main aim in using drugs is to get immediate pleasure. Drug users fail to see the damage that drug use inflicts on their mind and body.
People are attracted to drug use instead of being content with other relationships because it meets a very strong emotional need that they have. Drugs offer a simple solution to a need for intimate relationship.
When using drugs the illusion of having a very powerful relationship, guaranteed to solve all emotional problems and create instant happiness is very real. You are unlikely to be heard if you try to give an addict help to quit drug use while they are in the “honeymoon” stage.
However, with continued use, there will be times when the addict can clearly see that drug use is not proving to be the complete answer to their emotional needs.
To give addicts help to break the cycle of addiction you will need to communicate in ways that don’t force issues but which open up for both of you the possibility of change.
You can plant seeds of doubt, you can scream and shout, you can become upset and demand that the addict change their ways. It probably won’t work.
People can give addicts help by showing their own emotional vulnerability and willingness to meet the addict’s need for unconditional love and support. When someone you love is an addict, you are both very much in it together.
Encouraging an addict to go into a holistic detox and rehab program will help them to sort out their feelings. Holistic drug free treatments offer an addict a positive, healthy environment – the chances of full recovery from addiction are extremely good.
Holistic recovery from addiction enables a new way of life, not just “best” management of the emotional “void” created by giving up drugs. Holistic methods enable an addict to put drug use out of their life – for good!
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