Crack addicted babies are given drugs by their mother, before they are even born.Nothing brings the reality of drug abuse and the need for addict help home more forcefully than the emergence into the world of a crack addicted baby.
Babies subjected to drug abuse during pregnancy are called “low birth weight” babies. The reality is that they are not only small but in many ways underdeveloped. Drugs have taken the place of adequate nutrition. The mother’s stress and anxiety leads to deprivation in the baby at both a mental and physical level. Addict help for an addict who is a new mother can pose many problems.
A child who is only hours old and already in crack withdrawal is a painful experience to witness, and extremely traumatic for the child. If the mother is willing to detox and go into rehab for addict help, when she gets her life into order, then very likely the child, also detoxed, will be returned to her. With system based support which is really only focused upon getting people to cope, chances are that the new mother will flounder due to lack of emotional support.
When a new mother has in the past reached for drugs to deal with emotional pain, instead of developing the support of a caring other, close family and friends, then with the stress of coping with a new child on her own, the crack addict is highly likely to simply re-offend.
There are cases reported of crack addicted mothers who have given drugs to their child – society responds quite fairly by sending the parent to jail. Society feels justified – but where does all this leave the child?
A mother with a new child is in a good place for drug rehabilitation. The child is a significant “other” in her life, and instinctively, all mothers in normal circumstances would fight hard to protect their child. Most drug addicted mothers would love to get addict help, to be drug free for their child.
So what is wrong and why are we failing as a society to provide drug addicted mothers with the addicts help that they need? When we ask that question we are really falling into the same way of thinking as the addicted mother, who makes it her demand
Responsibility for drug abuse and to get addict help rests with the individual. However, it is not easy to make a decision to quit drugs when under pressure and stress. Contact with welfare agencies often leads to delay and the fear that due to the addiction problem, the child could be taken away.
Holistic addict help is provided throughout Canada by many holistic rehab centers. Holistic rehab can really give addicts help, at the emotional level they need, using 100% drug free and completely natural methods. With emotional support a new mother can start to make plans for a drug free future and a healthy life for her child. Holistic addict help gives hope for the future and the promise of a life without addiction.
What better new start could there be for any new or expectant mother than to use holistic addict help for herself and for the new child?
With no wait lists and 24/7 availability – what are you waiting for?
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