Intervention is a way of giving an addict help to become free of drug addiction. It is a means of confronting the drug addict with the fact that they have a problem, and offering support for recovery.
Those closest to a drug addict will have already had experience of confrontation with the addict, and realize that trying to give addicts help with their addiction has about as much chance of success as trying to separate a hungry dog from its bone – and as much risk of injury.
Addicts locked into the cycle of drug addiction need external intervention. The relationship which develops between the addict and his drug of choice has a tendency over time to dominate and eventually exclude any other meaningful relationship in the addict’s life.
The real cost of drug addiction is not the time and money wasted in getting, using and coming down from drugs. The real cost to the user are the many lost opportunities to have a more healthy and happier style of life.
People who have been fortunate and had an upbringing which has taught them how to fully enjoy the positive aspects of life will not be attracted to drugs. People attracted to drugs use them to fill a “void” in their lives, and need addict help.
There is little point in trying to intervene in drug addiction by telling the addict what a good life he is missing out on. The addict’s previous experience of life has been one of disappointment. It was in seeking an alternative lifestyle that drug addicts have found themselves to be caught up in using drugs. They certainly don’t want to go back to the life that sent them there, even though they usually realize that doing drugs is eventually a dead end street.
The timing of an intervention to give a drug addict help will depend on many factors. However, the timing is not as important as getting the message right. What must be contained in a successful intervention is a statement that will persuade the drug addict to take up the offer rather than to continue with his drug addiction.
Drug addicts fear giving up their addiction. It is because they know that when their triggers and cues for drug use occur, the tension and anxiety will be overwhelming. Their habit has been to fix it with drugs. Addicts don’t know any better way to get addict help for the issues that cause them anxiety.
Even after detox, drug addicts will still have a craving for drugs whenever anxiety arises. This is because all addiction depends in the first place upon a person having an emotional need for the drug.
Holistic detox and rehabilitation promises release not only from physical addiction but from the emotional triggers that cause the drug addict anxiety and lead to a need for drug use.
When making an intervention intended to break the cycle of addiction, the message needs to be clear and straight forward. No compromises, no half way houses –use holistic detox and rehab for addict help and become free of addiction.
Traditional drug rehab only deals with issues relating to the use of addictive drugs. It does not attempt to deal with the more basic problem of resolving drug addiction.. Only holistic rehab centers which offer 100% drug free natural detox, therapy and counseling provide to addicts help that they need to restructure their ways of thinking so that they no longer have an emotional need for any drugs of addiction.
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