Addict help for the child who has for a long time had to take care of himself and for others in his life can be a difficult task. A child who has had to take care of himself from an early age will be emotionally armor plated. Pain or shame may produce no visible sign of emotion, many might think that the child doesn’t care – in fact, he has cared too much.
When a child is raised by a competent but invalid parent, studies have shown that this need to provide assistance to the parent brings on an early but healthy sense of adult responsibility. When a child is raised in drug cultures where parent figures don’t supply care, the child gets an early lesson in life. To survive, he will have to learn how to look after himself – without the addicts help.
A child who gets spasmodic affection from a drug addicted parent, at least learns about caring for others, instead of only himself. However it is an enormous burden for a young child to have tobe a carer to their parent, providing support and addict help. A child in a caretaker role may appear wise beyond his years – streetwise for sure, but inwardly missing out on the nurturing which provides emotional security.
Kids in a caretaker role can only act in accordance with the wisdom of their years, they might appear to be tough cookies, but much of it is a facade. The child cannot allow any feelings of sorrow or loss – no chink in his armored shell. If the child for a second admitted his pain, then his little heart would break.
Drug use is common in caretaker kids – they pick it up from their environment – and find that getting high is a good enough substitute for real pleasure and emotional involvement.
When “tough kids” appear for addict help, don’t push or shove them to respond, just let them find their own way to deal with a new situation – that someone who cares is sitting there and available to them. When addict help services are fragmented, with wait lists for further access, and different people and counselors peer at child from behind a sheaf of case notes it really is no surprise to find that the child stubbornly rejects all overtures of “friendship”, remaining aloof and un-cooperative.
Counselors who see themselves as rescuers become offended that the child is rejecting their well intentioned plans to give the child addict help. Caretaker kids are really not into synthetic expressions of care, in the mind of the child the reality is that they are doing just fine out there.
If you really want to provide addict help to a caretaker child the only way to go is to use the services of holistic treatment centers who understand how street kids think. There is no agenda, no pretense or the double bind of legal and illegal drugs. Holistic rehab centers simply say no to any form of drugs use and provide 100% natural methods to give addicts help.
Consistent, caring availability is the hallmark of holistic addict help for kids –no covert agendas that will have them running out the door. A caretaker child must develop trust before he will open the floodgates of his guarded emotions, holistic rehabilitation centers offer unconditional acceptance and consistent care.
To enable the caretaker child to remap his childhood trauma – you need holistic addict help.
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