A crack house can be likened to an ashtray in the community, a dark and poisonous place, where is collected all the toxic waste that is a side effect of people engaging in harmful, non productive drug use. People caught up in drug use, a crack house the focus of their existence, are regarded by society very much like the refuse that they create. Drug addicts might be in need of addict help – but we want them to move on, and out of our neighborhood, to a place where we can’t see them or need to … [Read more...] about Crack House?! Not In Our Neighborhood! : Addict Help
Crack Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine Addiction: New Vaccine a Toxic Cocktail
Cocaine addiction might soon be treated with a new vaccine, a toxic cocktail of flu virus and coke that can teach the body to fight off cocaine before it reaches the brain. The very latest in research to provide addict help for people to beat addiction to cocaine. Research experiments from Weill Cornell University use immunity provoking extracts from adenoviruses attached to a chemical similar to cocaine as a potential vaccine against the effects of cocaine use in the body. The vaccine … [Read more...] about Cocaine Addiction: New Vaccine a Toxic Cocktail
The Satisfaction of Helping a Crack Addict
There is no greater satisfaction than helping someone who needs help. Giving to charity, giving in a blood drive, these are things that are important and can lead to helping someone in a life-changing way. So can helping someone who is addicted to crack. A crack addict is in danger of literally killing himself. A crack addict is in danger of literally killing himself. He cannot logically think, instead he is completely under the spell of his addiction and constantly needs a fix. He does not … [Read more...] about The Satisfaction of Helping a Crack Addict
Can You Tell if Someone is a Crack Addict?
Normally, if someone we care about has an addiction, the first thing we notice is that there is just “something different” about the person. It may not be obvious at first just what it is, but there is something that is different about the person. With Crack, unless we actually see them when they are high, it may be very difficult to tell. There are signs to watch for, however, that may give a good indication that crack addiction has taken over the loved one. If money suddenly begins … [Read more...] about Can You Tell if Someone is a Crack Addict?
How to Handle a Crack Addict
Depending on how long a crack addict has been addicted, will have a great bearing on how to handle the person. If the person has not been addicted very long, maybe it will be easier to talk to him or her and get him into a program, perhaps even an outpatient one. However, if the person has been on it for awhile, there may be a big problem with denial and it is best to seek the advice and counsel of professionals. An intervention is a good way to go with a crack addict and doing so with a … [Read more...] about How to Handle a Crack Addict
Support For Families of Crack Cocaine Addicts
Sometimes a crack cocaine addict feels like he or she is all alone in the world. There is another unit who can often feel that same way; the family of a crack cocaine user. If the family has never experienced such a spiral of helplessness, it may be confused and unsure of where to turn. The family may feel ashamed, embarrassed and may desperately need support, such as another family unit going through or having gone through the experience would understand. People who do not have a crack … [Read more...] about Support For Families of Crack Cocaine Addicts
Can a Crack Cocaine Addict Love Another Person?
This question may be as difficult to answer as “Define Love”. Every human being is capable of love to one degree or another. The problem is, with a crack cocaine addict, his or her addiction will get in the way. You must understand the psychology of an addict. Nothing is more important to them than their drug. While they may have deep feelings for a person, that will be shoved aside to make room for their need for drugs. This is true whether the addict has been in a loving relationship for … [Read more...] about Can a Crack Cocaine Addict Love Another Person?